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Kidney Cancer Introduction

What is kidney cancer: Kidney cancer is a specific disease that develops in the kidneys. It happens when the healthy cells in one or both kidneys turn into the cancerous and then grow out of control to form a lump known as a tumor. In adults, Renal cell carcinoma is known as the most common kidney cancer. RCC usually begins in the lining of the tiny tubes in the kidney known as renal tubules. RCC often stays in the kidney, but it may spread to the other organs of the body, most often the brain, bones and lungs. There are several types of renal cell carcinoma tumors. Some types have the potential to spread quickly and others are gradually spread. The most common renal cell carcinoma tumors are: chromophobe, clear-cell and papillary. Other types of kidney cancer include: Wilms tumor (most often found in children), renal sarcoma and transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). 

What are signs and symptoms: In the initial stages, most people don’t have any kind of signs or symptoms. Kidney cancer is often found by chance during the belly imaging test for the other complaints. However, as time passes, the tumor grows and you may experience: 
●    Blood in the urine
●    Pain in the lower back
●    A lump in the lower back
●    Unexplained weight loss
●    Night sweats
●    Fever, or fatigue

Is kidney cancer hereditary: The genetic background of kidney cancer has been
shown to be related to family history. Having a sister and a brother with kidney cancer increases the risk of kidney cancer from 4 to 7 times.

How does the doctor know I have Kidney Cancer:  Diagnosis can be suspected based on the symptoms, urine testing, and medical imaging. It is confirmed by tissue biopsy. 

Is kidney cancer curable:  If the cancer is untreated, it may interfere with the function of the organ and also can spread to other parts of the body. But if it is detected in an early stage, it is absolutely curable most of the time. Even in advanced stages, new therapies along with the procedures have led to much improved, overall cure rates.

Kidney Cancer Diagnosis: Over half of the kidney cancers are detected by chance. Generally, they are found when your doctor checked you about any other problem. There are kind of no routine laboratory tests in order to detect kidney cancer. However, your healthcare provider may use several tests and procedures to make a diagnosis. The following enlisted terms that might expect:
●    Physical exam and medical history
●    Blood tests
●    CMP (Complete metabolic panel). 
●    Complete blood count (CBC)
●    Urine tests in order to check for infection, protein and blood in the urine. 
●    Kidney function tests - to see if the kidneys are getting rid of waste properly
●    Ultrasound exam

What is the treatment for kidney cancer: Treatment directly depends on the stage of kidney cancer, age, general health, and some other factors. The treatment may include single or multiple of the below-mentioned options:
Surgery: Surgery is a quite common treatment for the treatment of kidney cancer. Most people with the early stage of cancer (stages 1, 2, and 3) may be cured with the surgery.
●    Partial nephrectomy: In this, only the tumor or the specific part of the kidney with the tumor is removed.
●    Radical nephrectomy: The entire kidney is removed. Also, if needed, the surrounding lymph nodes or tissues can also be removed.

Thermal ablation: Thermal ablation kills the tumor by burning or freezing it. This is mainly used for small tumors in people who are not good candidates for the nephrectomy surgery.

Active surveillance: Active surveillance is used if a small tumor is less than 4 centimeters (1 ½ inch). Maximum small tumors grow gradually and they can also not be cancerous. A person should need regular monitoring as well as testing.

Treatment with medicine: Medicines are often used for advanced kidney cancer that has spread to other parts of the body or where surgery cannot be done. 
Immunotherapy basically uses the body’s immune system in order to resist or slow the growth of cancerous cells.
●    Monoclonal antibodies mainly attack a specific part of the cancerous cells.
●    Checkpoint inhibitors are helpful to the immune system in order to recognize and attack cancerous cells.
●    Immunotherapies and vaccines give an overall boost to the immune system. 

Anti-angiogenic therapies: This reduces the blood supply to a tumor to slow or stop its growth.
Targeted therapies: It directly inhibits the growth of cancer.
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy: Both these used for other types of cancer do not usually do a good job of treating most forms of kidney cancer.

Sorafenat, a promising treatment option for Kidney Cancer: Sorafenat 200mg is a cancer treatment chemotherapy drug. Sorafenat mainly intervenes in the growth of the cancer cells and resists the growth and also slows the spread of cancer in the body.

Sorafenib 200mg also can be recommended to use for the treatment of a type of kidney cancer known as advanced kidney cell carcinoma, and it is also recommended to be used against liver cancer. 

How to use Sorafenat Tablets: Sorafenat tablets should be taken twice daily without food (at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal). Treatment must continue until the respective patient is no longer clinically benefiting from the therapy or until unacceptable toxicity occurs. 

Side effects of chemo: Some of the more common side effects caused by chemotherapy are as follows:
●    Fatigue.
●    Hair loss.
●    Easy bruising and bleeding.
●    Infection.
●    Anemia (low red blood cell counts). 
●    Nausea and vomiting.
●    Appetite changes.
●    Constipation.

What are the chances of dying from Kidney Cancer: For cancers that are confined to the kidney, the 5-year survival rate is 93%, if it has spread to the surrounding lymph nodes it is about 70%, and if it has spread widely, it is approximately 12%.

In order to know more about kidney cancer, please visit Kidney Cancer Symptoms and Treatment.

Does kidney cancer spread fast?
The spread of Kidney cancer depends upon several factors such as type of Kidney cancer, age, and overall health. These circumstances make sure whether the disease will grow slowly or fastly. The spread of the cancerous cell is fast when the cells are aggressive.
The most familiar type of Kidney carcinoma is clear cell renal cell cancer that has two subtypes sarcomatoid and rhabdoid. These two subtypes are very aggressive and quickly spread throughout the body.

Some aggressive Kidney cancer cells include collecting duct RCC (very aggressive), spindle cell carcinoma, multilocular cystic RCC, renal mucinous tubular, medullary carcinoma, and neuroblastoma. 

What is the type of kidney cancer?
Some common type of kidney cancer are mentioned below:
●    Renal cell carcinoma: It is one of the most common types of Kidney cancer that develops in the proximal renal tubules that contribute to Kidney's filtration system.

●    Urothelial carcinoma: Also known as transitional cell cancer that contributes about 5 to 10% of total Kidney cancer diagnosed in adult patients. This cancer begins in the area where urine collects.

●    Sarcoma: This carcinoma is commonly found in the soft cells of the kidney. This is usually treated by surgery or chemotherapy.

●    Wilms tumor: This commonly occurs in children making about 1% of total Kidney cancer. This cancer is generally treated with Radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

●    Lymphoma: This affects both kidneys as well as lymph nodes, it is treated with chemotherapy instead of surgery.

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